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“clenching” defines the abnormal tightening of the jaw that often occurs during the day. Stress can be an essential co-factor contributing to the habit of clenching and grinding teeth.

Clenching may or may not be related to TMJ disorders (TMD). The two temporomandibular joints on the head’s sides work in synergy with muscles, ligaments, discs, bones, and dental occlusion, allowing us to speak, chew, yawn, swallow, etc.

Temporomandibular disorders can emerge when the stomatognathic system is not functioning correctly. Since these joints and their muscles influence all areas of the face, their dysfunction can cause discomfort and pain.

Most people only realize that they suffer from these problems once there are more evident and severe symptoms or when some cohabitant reports the problem to them.

Some symptoms of clenching are:

Jaw pain


Facial pain

Neck pain

Shoulder pain


Dental injuries

Each patient has numerous anatomical, biological, and psychological variables that make him unique. Only the specialist visit and the evaluation of instrumental and radiographic data will allow the formulation of a personalized care plan that is fully responsive to the needs and expectations of the patient.